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EXOFIT | Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 | Personal Training | Personal Trainer
3 Benefits you might be getting from your Personal Training package without realising
Neil Etim - Personal Trainer at EXOFIT
Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 | Personal Training | Personal Trainer
We understand here at EXOFIT that the majority of the time, newbies come to us for aesthetic purposes (lose weight, tone up, etc). Which is fantastic, but it isn't everything and the only way to measure the benefits of commencing a personal training package with your personal trainer here at the EXOFIT studio, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4. We can take a look at what else might be progressing well during your personal training sessions that is important for most and for everyday life. We really need to debunk the thinking approach of "if you're not losing weight then what's the point in paying?" once and for all.
1. You're probably, more than likely, getting fitter...
We can never promise a successful fat loss target for our clients and members here at EXOFIT during our personal training sessions because of one reason alone, we don't have control over what you do and eat for the week (and we really don't need want that control, lol). Fat loss can be difficult, sometimes it's harder than you think to the find the right balance (or imbalance we should say, lol) to promote fat loss. Sometimes you need to adjust a bit lower than the "norm" or "expected". And that is an element (calories) that is solely up to the client to track and manage, 24/7... But when the "dreaded" week comes around and it is time for your monthly stat check, should we throw away and disregard all the hard work we have put in the month previous during all those personal training sessions because we fell short on the scales or circumferences or body fats check? Absolutely NOT! All those hard minutes are super beneficial for one, our cardio vascular fitness. During these exercise minutes with your EXOFIT personal trainer, we are tailoring workouts to help you improve aesthetically but also improve physically! Getting fitter is definitely an outcome you should be given yourself a big pat on the back for as this outcome will add years to our life, a stronger heart and lungs will improve your longevity. And that goal is key, that outcome and benefit of paying for personal training is not a "waste" of your money but an investment into your overall health.
2. You're probably, more than likely, getting stronger...
Now that the first benefit is completed and our message is clear, I feel the next benefit will be a lot shorter (lol). We also improve of strength during these personal training sessions with your personal trainer here at the EXOFIT studio, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4. Functional strength is super important for everyday needs and we speak about this all the time in the EXOFIT studio. One of our goals here as the personal trainer is to help build you up and make you stronger in a controlled manner during our personal training sessions. Although your personal training package is to improve you aesthetically, your workouts will be tailored to help make you stronger so that risk of falling is decreased, so that risk of injury is decreased and that play time with your kids or social time with friends or family isn't intimidating and you're confident taking part in these moments because your functional strength has improved. Another outcome I feel that isn't a "waste" of your money but another key investment to your health.
3. You're probably, more than likely, building confidence...
I think it is definitely fair to mention that if you're losing weight and aesthetically looking better, then you're building confidence as an individual. But, is that the only outcome of a personal training package that will bring you that confidence in your day to day life? My answer would be - no. How about form and technique of corrective exercising? Would that bring you confidence during those alone exercise sessions you do by yourself in the local commercial gyms? Of course it would and will! A personal trainer is building confidence and reassurance for you (hopefully). Confidence to potentially workout by yourself outside of your scheduled personal training sessions because we know these additional minutes of exercise are needed for you to achieve that aesthetic goal. Executing the correct form of exercises during your personal training sessions with our dedicated REPs (registered exercise professionals) here at EXOFIT will add that additional burn, that additional calorie from recovery and that better response from the exercise on the targeted muscle that will all be aligned with making you look better aesthetically but also make you feel more confident during those alone time workouts by yourself to help you achieve these goals in a timely fashion, and that is worth every penny of your personal training package that is not tracked and to a degree "measurable" during a monthly stat check here a the EXOFIT studio, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4.

Neil Etim - Personal Trainer at EXOFIT
Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 | Personal Training | Personal Trainer

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